A simple turn-based crawler, travel as far as you can in this abstract block world. Coins are your HP, and serve as the rolling mechanism in the game; the more heads the better.

Rules: Each turn, you can move one tile. Tiles can only be traversed once. A coin roll randomly flips all coins that a player has, and the result of the roll is the number of heads facing up. If the tile is green, you roll to gain additional coins, up to a maximum of 6 coins. If the tile is red, you roll to defend your current coin count. If you don't have enough coins to meet the roll threshold, you will not be able to successfully roll, and will either not gain a coin, or immediately lose a coin. The game is over once you run out of coins, or have no valid moves. Survive as long as you can!


Q/W/A/S: Move north west, north east, south west, south east, respectively


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Came back to beat Curdles high score lol. I got to 239