A rough demo of tiled deferred shading in my engine. Things are still a bit broken, editor controls and light probe debug info doesn't draw correctly, for one, and the lighting pass doesn't have access to reflection or irradiance probes yet, but yeah. Note that you'll need a decently powerful GPU to run this, around a GTX 970 or so. If it's running badly for you, you can try increasing the light boundary threshold under Options -> Light Threshold, which should reduce the number of lights in each tile.


WASD QE - Move forward, back, left, right, up, and down, respectively

Middle click - Change camera view direction

Control+Left click - Select the root node of the map (do this before adding more nodes, eg. lights)

NOTE: at the moment you need to click the map first before you can move around, this is a bug. I'm planning to do a full rewrite of the editor sooner or later, so small things like this are being ignored for now.


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